Real Estate Brokerage Services

Real estate transactions involve one of the biggest financial investments most people experience in their lifetime. Transactions today usually exceed $100,000. If you had a $100,000 income tax problem, would you attempt to deal with it without the help of a CPA? If you had a $100,000 legal question, would you deal with it without the help of an attorney?

Considering the small upside cost and the large downside risk, it would be unwise to consider a deal in real estate without the professional assistance of an Estate Agent. But if you’re still not convinced of our value, here are a more reasons you should partner with us:

Sell Property?

When selling your home, we can give you up-to-date information on what is happening in the marketplace and the price, financing, terms and condition of competing properties. These are key factors in getting your property
sold at the best price, quickly and with minimum hassle.

We market your property to other realtors and the public. Often, we can recommend repairs or cosmetic work that
will significantly enhance the salability of your property. We market your property to other real estate agents and
the public. In many markets across the country, over 50% of real estate sales are cooperative sales; that is, a real estate agent other than yours brings in the buyer. We act as the marketing coordinator, disbursing information about your property to other real estate agents through a Multiple Listing Service or other cooperative marketing
networks, open houses for agents, etc.

We know when, where and how to advertise your property. There is a misconception that advertising sells real estate. When a property is marketed with the help of your property agent, you do not have to allow strangers into your home. We will generally prescribe and accompany qualified prospects through your property.

Buy Property?

We have many resources to assist you in your home search. Sometimes the property you are seeking is available but not actively advertised in the market, and it will take some investigation by your agent to find all available properties.

We can assist you in the selection process by providing objective information about each property. We have
access to a variety of informational resources. We can provide local community information on utilities, zoning, schools, etc. There are two things you’ll want to know. First, will the property provide the environment I want for a home or investment? Second, will the property have resale value when I am ready to sell?

We provide due diligence during the evaluation of the property. Depending on the area and property, this could include inspections for termites, dry rot, asbestos, faulty structure, roof condition, septic tank and well tests, just to name a few. We can assist you in engaging our qualified professionals to do most of these investigations and provide you with written reports. You will also want to see a preliminary report on the title of the property. Title indicates ownership of property and can be mired in confusing status of past owners or rights of access. The title to most properties will have some limitations; for example, easements (access rights) for utilities.